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Marci also plans and hosts special events for small groups. Cost of the event depends on time commitment and supplies needed. Contact Marci for special event details at

Some of the special events hosted this year:


Writing Camp - week long camp - Five one hour long sessions focusing on writing fun with the author. Campers get an overview of flash fiction, graphic novels, and song writing with expert testimony. Each writer produces, develops and shares at least one piece of writing. 


Art Camp - week long camp - Five one hour long sessions focusing on artists, techniques and art movements. Students experiment with different media including clay pots, glue batik, alcohol ink, Mondrian textile canvas, and Basquiat pet portraits. 


Princess Tea - An hour long pink party featuring pink tea snacks: pink lemonade, fairy sandwiches, grapes, pink cupcakes and cookies. Activities for the party include:  a read aloud from the Kylie Jean series, designing a crown cupcake topper and princess quiz. 


Frontier Con JR Area Activities Leader 

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